Coronavirus Update

May Press Release

Effective today, March 19th, Eastway Bowl will be moving forward with postponing all leagues for two weeks. Our initial intent was to allow each individual league to decide how they would like to proceed. However, we are finding a common trend that the majority for each league would like to move forward with taking off the next two weeks.  

We understand not all leagues were able to vote as we initially planned. However, as new information comes to light and circumstances keep evolving we feel it is in the best interest for everyone. We will reconvene as we approach the end of our two week postponement with how we will proceed.

Eastway will maintain normal business hours to the public for open play. We have continued with our increased cleaning procedures and due diligence to supply additional hand sanitary stations.

March 20th Letter

March 17th Letter

Coronavirus Precautions

Corona Virus Letter.png